The Power of Chi


When I decided to do an article on energy healing and bodywork, I didn’t notice how broad the topic was and which modalities actually fit into what categories. I had confused a lot of practices within bodywork and emotional release therapies as energy healing and through research found that they, although founded on some similar principles, were completely different forms of healing. Today I’m going to discuss some of the modalities within energy healing, and leave other sorts of “touch” bodywork and emotional release practices for another article in the future.

Energy, also known as Chi, Ki, Qi and Prana, is all around us. Everything is in a constant state of receiving, emitting and radiating energy. Energy healing is based on the premise that everything is made up of frequencies, according to quantum physics. In physics, energy cannot be destroyed, only change its form. With energy healing, the purpose is to tune and balance frequencies within a person’s energy field. Through working on our energy fields we can help release stored stress, pain and trauma, along with unlocking negative thought and behavioural patterns and healing them.

There are so many different modalities within the category of energy healing, some I’ve had experience with and some I haven’t, so I wanted to outline some of the basic information on the most commonly known ones, as well as give a bit of my own experience with the modalities I’ve experienced.

Reconnective Healing

Pioneered by Eric Pearl, Reconnective Healing is a modality that is described as a return to an optimal state of balance. This healing is through a spectrum of frequencies that consist of energy, light and information. The first basic element of reconnective healing is energy, as it is what everything is made up of organically. The second element, light, is the resonance and communication within these frequencies between universal energy and us. Thirdly, information that is transferred to us. Multiple studies by The University of Arizona showed that Reconnective Healing energy functions similar to an electromagnetic signal. Reconnective Healing is one of the modalities I’ve personally (along with the rest of my family) have had experience with. My mother started practising Reconnective Healing in 2007 and I used to have frequent sessions when I was younger whenever I needed emotional and energetic realignment. An interesting study about the changes in a body’s energy from non-touch energy healing can be found here, whilst a diagram outlining the findings is available below.


The Personal Reconnection

The Personal Reconnection utilises the same frequencies of Reconnective Healing but differs in its application. Using a more focused approach, it reconnects the gridwork of a clients body to the universal grid. Based on the belief that through the session a client is reconnected to an energetic system of intelligence, higher vibration and improved wellbeing. The practice is facilitated over two separate sessions over the space of two days, and is a once-off form of energy healing. This being the most recent modality I tried, I found the process extremely relaxing and meditative, although I was told afterwards that my hands and arms were twitching through most of it (something that isn’t a normal occurrence for me! However, is common among clients).


Reiki is a popular form of energy healing and also one that some of the newer modalities have based their practices on. Developed by a Japanese Buddhist named Mikao Usui, Reiki is based on the principle that we are all guided by the same invisible life force. This life force controls our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. When these life forces are able to flow freely, we can unlock unknown reserves of wellbeing and power. When the energy is blocked, due to causes such as negative thinking, unhealed trauma, or stress overload, we don’t function at our optimal level. Reiki sessions typically use a combination of light touch and non-touch energy sweeping. Reiki treats the person as a whole, a principle also fundamental in Naturopathy, which includes their body, emotions, mind and spirit, resulting in benefits such as peace and relaxation and improved general wellbeing and mental state.


Having learnt more about the topic in my father’s book, I had a basis of information about the practice. Amongst one of the most popular forms of energy healing practices, Qi-Gong is an ancient Chinese exercise and healing technique that involves forms of meditation, controlled breathing and movement. Qi is a concept from traditional Chinese culture that translates to vital energy, breath, information and spirit. Gong translates to the notion of cultivation or mastery, that together translates Qi-Gong as a modality striving towards ‘vital energy cultivation’ of ‘mastery of one’s energy.’

Tai-Chi, something my mother has practised for years and sees great benefits from, is sometimes called a form of Qi-Gong as it cultivates, involves movement and manages Qi. Qi-Gong can be practised individually or in a form called ‘external Qigong’. This external method involves a qigong therapist first diagnosing a client according to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and then uses emitted Qi to facilitate healing. Tai Chi has been widely studied for its healing benefits.


Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing is based on on the belief that crystals store healing properties, and through crystal healing we can unlock them and assist our mind and bodies. There are two main methods used during crystal healing sessions. In one, practitioners place a variety of crystals on different parts of the body usually relative to our chakras, and in the other practitioners place crystals around the body to construct an energy grid. This energy grid then surrounds the client with healing energy fields. Below are my favourite crystals I have at home and their benefits.

  1. Tourmaline - the grounding stone

    Tourmaline, my favourite stone, is used as a protective stone, blocking out negative energies in one’s energy field while also grounding energy. This black stone absorbs light. Tourmaline is also said to ease pain in the joints, assist in the realignment of the spine, strengthen the immune system and adrenal glands.

  2. Crystal Quartz - the spirit stone

    Crystal quartz is seen as the window of light into the metaphysical world. Containing an entire spectrum of colour within it, this crystal is used to amplify desires and manifestations from the spirit world into the physical world. Meditating with the crystal quartz can program the crystal with one's positive intentions. Crystal quartz is also said to be a master healer, stimulating the immune and circulatory systems and increasing the flow of qi energy into the body.

  3. Amphibole Quartz - the angel phantom stone

    Amphibole is known as the angel phantom quartz due to its ability to make contact with angelic beings and finding a more profound sense of inner peace and tranquillity. It can connect one with their higher self, obtain guidance from the divine and aid lucid dreaming.

  4. Agate - the stone of inner stability

    Agate can be be found in a variety of colours and embodies ones inner world and all of its states. Agate raises self-awareness, stabilises one's aura and transforms negative energies. The stone can be used to heal anger, emotional stability and lack of self-worth. Agate also improves mental function, clarity of thought and improved communication.

  5. Rose Quartz - the love stone

    Rose quartz is associated with the heart and the expression of unconditional love to one's self, others around them and the planet. This stone can be used to invite love and deepen a relationship. When centred around the heart chakra, rose quartz can be used for deep emotional release, improve circulation and lower blood pressure.

  6. Obsidian - the mirror stone

    Obsidian, jet black in colour, is called the mirror stone due to its ability to enhance sight and the way one sees the world and circumstances. The stone allows sight into the soul of oneself to gain wisdom and knowledge, allowing us to reveal our shadow self, flaws and weaknesses so that one can better understand themselves. It can also be used to relieve emotional distress that has been ignored or buried within the body.

  7. Garnet - the stone of health and creativity

    Garnet is a stone well known for its ability to promote health and the flow of creativity, as well as grounding one's spirit. Garnet assists in removing inhibitions and allowing the mind to think freely and creatively. It also has the ability to stimulate metabolism and improve libido and sexual desires.



Theta Healing uses a technique that is based on the belief that a person’s conscious and unconscious mind directly impacts their emotional and physical wellbeing. This modality assists in developing a client's natural intuition through remoulding their brain wave cycle towards theta waves, resulting in the exploration of how someone’s emotional energy is affecting their health. The process of transitioning a client into the theta brainwave state comes from a meditative technique that alters a clients consciousness where brainwaves are slowed to a relaxed mode. Once the client is in this mediative theta brainwave state, the practitioner then listens and asks questions that the client responds to, accessing their subconscious and therefore can assist with reprogramming limited belief systems and healing ones stored negative energy.

There are a plethora of other energetic healing methods that are worth further study. This article focuses on ‘hands-off’ methods. In contrast, other popular energy healing modalities that focus on Emotional Body Releases such as Healing Codes, Psych-K, Kinesiology and Osteopathy will be discussed in a future article.

With wellness,


Title image - painting by Vanja Zarić ‘Icebergs II,’ 2005

Photography by Aleksandar Zarić for Welluvia

Aleksandar Zarić

You can follow Welluvia on Instagram here.


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