Slow Sunday Mornings


This was such a fun soundscape to create. When I was preparing my interview with The Minimalist Vegan, I was interested in the kinds of music they listen to when they create their content. We sent music back and forward, working on each other’s ideas to create a perfect mix for a lazy Sunday morning.

I looked at song titles that suited the mood, names such as Breakfast in Bed by Dusty Springfield, C.R.E.A.M by El Michels Affair, “I’m Going To Make A Cake” by Philip Glass (from the The Hours score that I love), and Coffee Cold by Galt MacDermot, a song I remember from my days working at Céline. I blended these with other smooth jazz and contemporary arrangements to create an uplifting and relaxed score to enjoy during downtime.

The end result is Slow Sunday Mornings, the first collaborative mix by Welluvia, and named after The Minimalist Vegan’s weekly Sunday newsletter.

I hope it’s as much fun to listen to as it was to create.

With wellness,


Maša Ofei

Maša and her husband Michael founded The Minimalist Vegan, where they share recipes, articles and a podcast on the importance of veganism and living a minimalist lifestyle. You can find their first book, The Minimalist Vegan: A Simple Manifesto On Why To Live With Less Stuff And More Compassion available here. You can follow their journey on Instagram, available here.


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