Film is based on the book by Antonia Fraser & stars Kirsten Dunst. This book is based around Coppola's annotated screenplay, and features lots of behind the scenes photos. "Virgin Suicides" and "Lost in Translation" have earned Sofia Coppola a huge and devoted following around the world. "Marie Antoinette" is already tipped to receive several nominations at the Academy Awards. It has rave advance reviews - tipped to win the Palm D'or. Drawn together by the director from her own notes, diaries, and recollections of the project, the book is centered around Coppola's own annotated screenplay and features photographs and illustrations of Milena Canonero's costume designs, arresting stills from the film itself, and charming Polaroids that shed light on the characters and inspiration behind the movie. Touching on the opposing themes of naivety and responsibility, expression and misunderstanding that characterize much of Coppola's work, "Marie Antoinette" is a powerful and sympathetic film about the tragic life of France's iconic eighteenth-century Queen.
Here, in a book that is both a deeply personal chronicle of a filmmaker's work and a lavish celebration of cinema at its best, Sofia Coppola has created a sensuous book that captures the artistry of the cinema, a poignant extension of a beautiful film, and an essential companion for any lover of modern cinema.